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Our child care program is only for students who are enrolled in our preschool and
have been accepted into an afternoon PK class or child care.

If demand is high enough, we will have Monday child care available

We will definitely have after preschool child care on TWTh from 11:30 to 5:30 p.m.

Pre-Kindergarten:  Child care is available after morning PK classes MTWTh from 11:45 to 5:30 p.m.

Child care begins on the first day of preschool and continues to the last day of school for the school district. Please see our calendar for holiday closures.

Child care costs are detailed on our Financial Agreement forms found
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Vivian Vigil, Ashley Flores, Phyllis Harmsen, Wendy Helms.

Day Care Entrance
Enter the gate on the East side of the building and follow the sidewalk to door. In the afternoon, and on Mondays, please use the day care entrance to drop off or pick up your child. 

* Breakfast should be eaten at home.
* Little Treasures provides a morning and afternoon snack.
* Day care students need to bring a healthy lunch from home.  Little Treasures provides milk, so no other drink is needed.
* Lunches may be stored in the kitchen refrigerator.
* We are happy to microwave lunch foods.
* Please make sure your child’s lunch is nutritious – candy is greatly discouraged!
* Be realistic about child size portions – children often eat less lunch than expected.



 1) We keep ourselves safe.

 2) We keep others safe.

    (this means keeping other peoples'

       feelings safe too) 

 3) We keep our things safe.  



Younger students and PK students have slightly different schedules, but both include:  

Lunch, Resting/Napping, Table Time, Recess, Snack, Learning Activities, Play, Exercise, Stories, and Music 

Although I'm not their parent,
I care for them each day.
I cuddle, sing, and read to them,
And watch them as they play.

I see each new accomplishment,
And help them grow and learn,
I understand their language,
And I listen with concern.

They come to me for comfort,
And I wipe away the tears,
They proudly show their work to me,
I give the loudest cheers!

I know someday the time may come,
When we will have to part,
But every child I've cared for
Is forever in my heart!

Napping is so good for little people!  Because all children need adequate rest, all of our day care students rest on individual cots after lunch each day (even if they don’t fall asleep).

Toys from Home
A comforting toy from home is welcome.  However, we ask that you do not bring electronic toys or toys that promote violence, and we cannot be responsible for lost or broken toys.  If competition for a toy causes problems, we’ll put the toy away.

Media Policy
Little Treasures Preschool understands that TV and other electronic media can get in the way of exploring, playing, and interacting with others. Therefore we will restrict screen time by allowing no more than 15 minutes of educational screen time per day (iPad/Kindle), and not allowing any screen time during meals and snacks.  Soothing music or a quiet educational movie may be played at nap time for less than an hour.

Little Treasures closes at 5:30 p.m. and all children should have been picked up at that time.  We charge $1.00 per minute for late pick up to pay our teachers’ overtime expenses.

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